Head of School: Mrs Sally Davies
Rockbeare C of E Primary School
Rockbeare, Exeter, Devon, EX5 2EQ
Telephone: 01404 822501
Email: admin@rockbeare-ce-primary.devon.sch.uk
If you are a parent or member of the public who has a query, or, if you would like a paper copy of the information on the school website (free of charge), please contact our School Administrator, Mrs Bostridge, via email: admin@rockbeare-ce-primary.devon.sch.uk or telephone: 01404 822501
Our Special Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) is:
Emily Jaworski
Tel: 01404 822501
email: admin@rockbeare-ce-primary.devon.sch.uk . (Please put FAO SENDCO in the title of the email.)
Our Chair of Governors is:
Mr Alex Walmsley
The First Federation Trust,
Blackpool CE Primary School,
Liverton, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6JB
Tel: 01626 244920
email: admin@firstfederation.org.uk
Rockbeare CE Primary School is part of The First Federation Trust.
Their contact details are:
The First Federation Trust,
Blackpool CE Primary School,
Liverton, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6JB
Tel: 01626 244920
email: admin@firstfederation.org.uk
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