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Maple (Y1 & Y2)

Welcome to Year One and Year Two

Maple Class is taught by Miss Brown and Mrs Balcer who are supported in class by Miss Priddis.

Learning will be shared here and updated regularly. 


If you need to contact Maple Class, the direct email is:  

We have worked so hard this week with subtracting in our maths lessons

maths - We have enjoyed learning all about 2D and 3D shapes!

Science - we explored all of the different materials around our classroom!

January 2025! Art - Exploring Watercolour

DT - We made our very own Christmas moving pictures!

Oak & Maple reading buddies!

Science - We made our own snow!

History - We loved learning all about our parents and grandparents old toys!

DT - We loved designing our moving pictures!

DT - Exploring levers and sliders

maths - Exploring our number bonds to 10 and 20

Art - observational drawings

Art - We really enjoyed designing our own sketchbook!
