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Maple (Y1 & Y2)

Welcome to Year One and Year Two

Maple Class is taught by Mrs Williams who is supported in class by Mrs Forsyth.

Learning will be shared here and updated regularly. 

Below are some websites and resources to support your child at home.

If you need to contact Maple Class, the direct email is:  

Science - Plants. Dissecting flowers, labelling diagrams and painting.

Some fantastic writing today about our time at Backswood Farm.

Backswood Farm

Maple at Paignton Zoo



Maple Class had a fantastic afternoon interviewing a past pupil of Rockbeare School!


For History this term, we have been comparing periods of time with a focus on our own school. As a class we discussed questions we would ask someone who used to attend the school.  The children loved hearing Mrs Robertson talk about her time at Rockbeare around 60 years ago. We even found generations of her family in previous attendance records!

