Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) at Rockbeare enable children to explore diverse cultures, learn essential vocabulary and develop communication skills in French.
'One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way'
Frank Smith.
Our MFL principles underpinned by our school values:
Cultural awareness- MFL lessons expose children to different cultures, traditions and perspectives.
Acquisition of language skills- children learn to listen, speak, read and write in other languages.
Resilience- learning a new language requires effort and persistence, fostering resilience.
Enhanced cognitive abilities- MFL learning improves memory, problem-solving and creativity.
MFL lessons offer much more than language proficiency- they nurture curiosity and global understanding.
We intend that all children will develop a genuine and positive curiosity about foreign languages, finding them enjoyable and stimulating. We have adopted a curriculum which is designed to foster creativity, deepen understanding and equip children with essential language skills. Through engaging lessons, children explore French culture, express ideas and communicate effectively in both speech and writing. Our aim is for children to feel confident engaging in spoken French and appreciate the importance of language in their future.
Children at Rockbeare C of E Primary develop their love for language learning and skills throughout KS2 and also through some opportunities through KS1. We use the 'Language Angels' curriculum, which focuses on French. The curriculum includes speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as awareness of grammatical features. Lessons are taught weekly, building on prior learning. Children have many opportunities to practise the language through different ways such as singing, drama, rhymes and performances to enhance their language journey.
Children will develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. This ensures a solid foundation for future language learning and overall attainment in other subjects. We want children to develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about the language, exploring relationships between language, identity and culture. We inspire children to continue studying languages beyond KS2, fostering a lifelong love for language learning and a better understanding of the world around them.
The Language Angels curriculum enhances French education by nurturing skills, engagement and cultural awareness among children.