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History of the School

Birds eye view of the school - 1998 (look how much it's changed in 25yrs!)

Rockbeare Church of England Primary School and Pre-School  lies at the heart of the village and the community which serves it and has a proud history beginning some time before 1872. We cannot be sure of the exact date as the original Trust Deed was destroyed in the Exeter Blitz.


We do know, however, that Rockbeare Church of England Primary School began in what is now the lower classroom, Ford, with donations given by the Bolitho family. The land was rented by the church for an annual fee of five shillings.


The newer part of the building was completed in the late 1950’s when the existing site and further buildings were given by Mrs Dorothy Margaret Follett, grandmother of the late Mrs Caroline Noel of Rockbeare Manor.



Our school emblem portrays a pelican plucking feathers to make a nest for it’s young, symbolising the care and protection we value within our school. The lectern in St Andrews and St Mary’s Church, Rockbeare, is in the form of a pelican instead of the more usual eagle.



If you would like to know more about the school and Rockbeare village, there is an information booklet at the main entrance of the school titled '1000years of Rockbeare', it has been written by a local resident.
