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Willow (Y3 & Y4)

Welcome to Years 3 & 4

Willow Class is taught by Miss Drew who is supported in class by Mrs Forsyth.

If you need to contact Miss Drew about Willow Class, the direct email is:



PE is taught in school each Wednesday.  Children are very welcome to come into school in their PE kits but will need to ensure that they have their uniforms, including shoes, to change back into afterwards.

Willow Class Loves to Read! As of October 11th 2024...

Creative Learners!


Willow have been exploring charcoal in their Art learning this term.


Below is a link to a video that shows the work of performance artist, Heather Hansen.  She has inspired some of our work. There are also some pictures of the children at work, along with some of their artwork. 

Our large scale gestural art.

Welcome Weeks in Willow Class

Willow Loves to Read!

Here are the latest headlines from Willow Class.
