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The School Day

School opens at 8.45am to children and register is taken at 8:55am - all pupils to be in school by 8:55am please!


Morning lessons

Morning register: 8:55am

Session 1: 9:00am to 10:30am

Mid-morning Break: 10:30am to 10.50am for Year One & Two 

Mid-morning Break: 10:50 to 11:10am for Years Three to Six

EYFS access breaktime and snack throughout the morning as a part of their continuous provision

Session 2: post break time - 12pm

Lunch: 12pm - 1pm


Afternoon lessons

Afternoon register: 1pm

Session 3: 1:05pm to 3pm

Collective Worship or assembly: 3pm - 3.25pm

End of day: 3.30pm


This means the school is open for 32.5 hours in a typical week.

Individual class timetables available from the class teacher.
