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Oak (Y5 & Y6)

Welcome to Years 5 and 6

Oak Class is taught by Miss Drew who is supported in class by Mrs Kidson. This term, we are welcoming Mrs Cathy Balcer, a student teacher,  to Oak Class. Mrs Balcer has been training with us since the Autumn Term and is looking forward to completing her training in Years 5 and 6. 

If you need to contact Oak class, the direct email is:


The children will have PE on Wednesday and Friday mornings and are welcome to come to school in their PE kits but are asked to bring uniform, including school shoes, to change back into. 


Oak Loves to Read!

Here is a reading update for Oak class for this week (W/C 29th April 2024)


The adults Reading Champion this week is Maxwell because he has successfully reached the goal of reading 1,000,000 words this year.  A huge congratulations to him; what a super role model to others here at school!


The children's Reading Champion this week is Fin because the class feel that he is beginning to read his book at every opportunity in school. 


As a class, Oak have read a grand total of 8,182,127 words this year and are very proud of their collective effort. 

Home Learning Summer 2024


We are now three weeks away from the half term break.  Please send all completed Home Learning tasks into school on a Thursday.  If you have any questions, please contact Miss Drew via the class email. 

Art - Designing and Making Clay Tiles


The children have begun to prepare for making a clay tile as part of their learning in Art.  The children have explored different ways to make marks and create lines and shapes into and onto the clay.  The outcome will feature images inspired by both the physical and human geography of the locality around our school.  This links in well to our learning in Geography, where we are undertaking different aspects of fieldwork.  Below are some pictures of their clay explorations!

Designing our Clay Tiles

World Book Day 2024


Oak class enjoyed a wonderful World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.  There were some very imaginative costumes from all of the children at school so a huge thank you to the parents and carers who supported this special day; we were not at all surprised by your creativity! 
