Science at Rockbeare builds curiosity, awe and wonder through a knowledge and skills based curriculum.
'Once you take the first step in science, anything is possible'
Katherine Johnson
At Rockbeare, children show a passion for Science through an exciting, engaging and challenging curriculum. Children are given opportunities to explore, discuss and question to deepen their understanding of the world around them.
Our principles for Science are linked to our Core Values.
Our Science Principles
- Creative Thinkers - Fostering curiosity and critical thinking through a range of enquiry types.
- Active Learner - Practical and active lessons in a range of scientific and stimulating activities.
- Respectful Citizens - Developing scientific values and respect for living things in the environment.
- Explorers - Inspiring, exploring and getting outdoors.
At Rockbeare, our intent is to recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects in primary education, we aim to give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires. We promote the importance of an investigative approach through regular ‘hands on’ experiences wherever possible. It is our intention that the science teaching at Rockbeare CE Primary School aims to give all children a strong understanding of the world around them. Through the teaching of many topic areas, children will acquire specific skills and knowledge to help them think scientifically, to gain an understanding of scientific processes and an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future. The scientific topic areas have been mapped out to ensure full science coverage in the mixed age classes through the school. We endeavour to provide a nurturing learning environment where every child can grow and flourish in their own unique way. The scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic the children study and these topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at school.
In order to allow children to reach their full potential, we cover the objectives and scientific topic areas set out in the National Curriculum. We have combined the knowledge, scientific enquiry types and working scientifically skills needed to solve science problems and make decisions and predictions based on what the children learn. Our lessons, when appropriate, will also allow children to practise their Maths and English skills. The content for each year group, in accordance with the National Curriculum, is taught across a two year rolling programme that covers all content and skills for working scientifically. This ensures all children receive a breadth of science learning in each class. Teachers use our progressive skills document to ensure content is broad and balanced. To ensure children make the necessary progress and are challenged appropriately, teachers plan enjoyable, engaging and inspiring practical activities. All children are encouraged to develop and use a range of skills including observations, planning and investigations, as well as being encouraged to question the world around them, record their findings and evaluate their enquiries. This enables them to become independent learners in exploring possible answers for their scientific based questions. Specialist vocabulary for topics is taught and effective questioning to communicate ideas is encouraged.
We embed the full range of working scientifically skills throughout each year group and assess each lesson to ensure children are making progress with their skills. Each lesson children use the content of the lesson as a hook to apply their skills.
Scientific Enquiry skills are also taught throughout the year groups to ensure children experience a range of methods to answer questions so that they are able to independently decide on the best type of enquiry to solve scientific problems.
Our Science Skills

Our Scientific Enquiry Types

Through the consistent use of the progressive skills document, staff are able to assess children during lessons. Children will complete an end of unit assessment or retrieval task to demonstrate their understanding of the concept. This could be an exploratory investigation, questions to answer, or diagrams to draw. Teachers use this to recognise any potential gaps in the children’s learning and plan accordingly. Each lesson has a different working scientifically focus and these skills are assessed lesson by lesson to build up summative judgements at the end of term and allow teachers to build in opportunities to refine and teach the skills the children have not grasped.