Curriculum Statement
‘Dream Big and Fly High!’
Curriculum intent
At Rockbeare C of E Primary School, all children will become fluent readers, writers and mathematicians. Our ambition is that they will be empowered to articulate their love of learning, be independent, self-motivated and curious.
Being a small school means our knowledge of children's particular academic, physical, social and personal needs are recognised and nurtured. The staff takes part in regular professional development through the First Federation Trust and Devon Curriculum Services. We pride ourselves at Rockbeare, on promoting high academic standards in a supportive friendly atmosphere where children flourish, aspire and achieve.
Across the Trust, schools are reviewing and revising curriculum planning. At Rockbeare, staff plan a long-term two-year rolling programme, from which termly medium-term plans are designed. These are then broken down into the weekly teaching programme. The long-term plan is under constant review as circumstances change.
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, the learning in each subject is provided for all pupils in the school, including those with special educational needs.
For further information, please see our SEND information, The First Federation SEND policy and the First Federation Equality policy.
Please talk to your child’s teacher or contact the school office if you would like to find out more about our curriculum.
Wider Curriculum Offer
At Rockbeare CofE Primary School we use the policy provided by Devon LA to inform health and safety for our Outdoor Education, visits and off-site activities. Please click on the document below to access this information.
EYFS Transition days take place towards the end of the summer term, prior to your child joining our Reception Class. The class teacher holds an informal meeting with new parents, explaining how the Foundation Stage works, the learning which will take place and our expectations. There will also be an opportunity for two Stay & Play sessions in the summer term, ahead of there start in September.
At Rockbeare, we recognise the need to support transition for all pupils from year group to year group, this will be personalised where needed and aims to provide each pupil with the best possible start in their new class each September. Where Personal Learning Plans are in place, these will be used under the guidance of the SENCO, to provide the additional transitional support required.
When your child leaves Rockbeare at the end of Year 6, they have a programme of induction and liaison with their prospective secondary school during the summer term. Children from Rockbeare typically move on to Clyst Vale Community College, Cranbrook Education Campus, The Kings School or Colyton Grammar.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's transition, please speak with the class teacher in the first instance.