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Welcome to the Home Learning page for Willow Class.

Here you will find the overviews for each half term.  They are also located in your child's Home Learning book but here you will be able to access the links to different games, activities and videos etc (through the PDF below).

Your child has a bright pink Home Learning book this year.  It will need to be in school every THURSDAY and will come home again each FRIDAY. This will allow me to check in on spellings and set new ones and, additionally, celebrate other pieces of Home Learning that have been completed. 


A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who have supported the children with their Home Learning during the Autumn term; the amount of completed activities was very high. Many children chose to complete their own activities in other areas of learning, such as French.  This was lovely to see and was celebrated in school.  Engaging with Home Learning supports the learning in school and allows your child the opportunity to practise the key skills needed in the core areas of English and Maths.  If you ever have any questions relating to the Home Learning set, please contact me in school.  


Kind regards,

Suzanne Drew

Willow Home Learning Spring 1 2024

In Years 3 and 4, there are statutory words that your child is expected to be able to spell accurately.  Initially at school, we will be ensuring that the key words for Years 1 and 2 are secure. 

Statutory Spelling Lists for Years 1 and 2 and for Years 3 and 4

Supporting Your Child with Handwriting
